Our Portfolio

Steelway, pride themselves on rich heritage dating back to 1928. They are not just a company; They are a legacy of excellence in manufacturing high-quality fabricated products and innovative security solutions.

The company operates with four distinct divisions, each offering a unique range of expertise and capabilities. All these divisions are managed efficiently from three strategically located manufacturing facilities in Wolverhampton, West Bromwich, and Newcastle.

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Steelway Fensecure

Steelway Fensecure is a leading UK manufacturer with over eighty years of experience in providing premium steel fencing, multi-use games areas (MUGA) and gate solutions. Serving both public and private sectors. They are trusted partners for steel fencing excellence and sustainable solutions.

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Steelway Brickhouse

Steelway Brickhouse, a market leader, manufactures high-quality steel access covers and frames for utilities, commercial, and industrial sectors. With over a century of experience, their West Bromwich facility upholds the legacy of the Brickhouse name, known for excellence in this industry.

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Steelway Protect

Steelway Protect, the latest addition to the Steelway family, specialises in providing a comprehensive range of certified LPS 1175 and bespoke physical security. Protect offer a range of products and services designed to safeguard against a wide spectrum of threats, from minor vandalism and opportunistic theft to aggressive intrusion and potential terrorist attacks.

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CEL Sheet Metal

CEL Sheet Metal is a leading sub-contract sheet metal manufacturing and assembly partner, with a dedicated team of 74 staff members. They offer a diverse range of services to replace companies existing manufacturing needs and collaborate closely with clients to meet current and future manufacturing demands.

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JHT Fabrications

JHT Fabrications stands as a premier fabricator and installer of structural steelwork and fabrications, proudly accredited to Class 2 BS EN1090 CE standards. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and safety, they offer top-tier solutions tailored to unique industry requirements.

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